Source code for ckpttnpy.FMKWayConstrMgr

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from typing import Any, Dict, List, Union

# Check if the move of v can satisfied, makebetter, or NotSatisfied
from .FMConstrMgr import FMConstrMgr, LegalCheck

Part = Union[Dict[Any, int], List[int]]

[docs]class FMKWayConstrMgr(FMConstrMgr): """The `FMKWayConstrMgr` class is a subclass of `FMConstrMgr` that initializes with a list of illegal parts. """ def __init__(self, hyprgraph, bal_tol, module_weight, num_parts: int): """ The function initializes an object with certain parameters and sets all elements of the "illegal" list to True. :param hyprgraph: The `hyprgraph` parameter is a type that is not specified in the code snippet. It is likely a custom type or a reference to another class or module :param bal_tol: The `bal_tol` parameter is used to specify the balance tolerance for the module. It represents the maximum allowable difference in weight between the heaviest and lightest parts in the module :param module_weight: The `module_weight` parameter represents the weight of a single module :param num_parts: The `num_parts` parameter is an integer that represents the number of parts in the system :type num_parts: int """ FMConstrMgr.__init__(self, hyprgraph, bal_tol, module_weight, num_parts) self.illegal = [True] * num_parts
[docs] def init(self, part: Part): """ The `init` function initializes the `illegal` attribute by checking if each element in `self.diff` is less than `self.lowerbound`. :param part: The `part` parameter is of type `Part` and it represents some part of an object or system :type part: Part """ FMConstrMgr.init(self, part) self.illegal = [d < self.lowerbound for d in self.diff]
[docs] def select_togo(self): """ The function `select_togo` returns the index of the minimum value in the `diff` list. :return: The index of the minimum value in the list `self.diff`. """ return min(range(self.num_parts), key=lambda k: self.diff[k])